Monday, February 16, 2009

Breakfast In Bed

Addie brought me breakfast in bed this morning. So sweet! This is what I found when I came out to the kitchen and dining room:
The cereal is kept on the top shelf (may need to re-think that on). She brought a chair over to get it down.

Cheerios for Addie (with LOTS of sugar...there was so much sugar in the bottom of her bowl that it never melted!), "pinenests" for mommy.
The Fiber One is my mom's, but she thought I might like it too. She thought it looked like "pinenests from out in the back yard". Too cute. That's a brownie on the plate, by the way. I guess that's how she was keeping her energy up while preparing breakfast.

The tray was up on top of the china cabinet for some reason. She said she tried to reach it and with just the chair,but couldn't, so went and got a phone book. Apparently this was repeated 3 times until she could finally reach it!

The labor of her love. With napkin notes and....the sugar shaker!
(Apparently you can never have to much sugar!)
It says "Mom I love you!" on mine, and "Addie love you, too!" on hers.
She was so proud that she made the 'o' of the you shaped like a heart.



Tami said...

SOOO Sweet! Love her idea.

Anonymous said...

She is looking so grown up these days.

Anonymous said...

That is so cute. What a sweetheart!
