Thursday, February 19, 2009

6 of 6 (AKA Tagged by Tami)

1. go to the document/ my pictures site on your computer
2. go to your sixth file
3. go to your sixth picture
4. blog about it
5. tag 6 people

So Addie came home from school over Thanksgiving break with a project. She had the outline of a gingerbread man and needed to decorate it and bring it back to school. I made copies for each of us and we all sat down and decorated our gingerbread men. We used brown sugar, sprinkles, decorating sugar, and spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, and ground cloves. They sure smelled good enough to eat!

So I don't know who all out there in blogger land reads my blog, but I tag Beth S. Sunny T., Jennifer S., Kristi Ann B., Aimee B., and Julie H. Have fun, ladies!

1 comment:

Greg & Jen said...

How fun! Thanks for the Tag!